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FAO Virtual Learning Centers
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Courses Overview
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Virtual Successes
Virtual Successes
Success Case Studies
The poultry farmer field school (FFS) course for facilitators and master trainers
African Swine Fever Courses
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The Virtual Learning Centers (VLCs)
Frequently asked questions
Get involved with us
Our course design process
Learner Testimonials
The impact of training
The impact of training 2
Learner testimonials
Monitoring the long-term impact of training
Monitoring the long-term impact of training
African Swine Fever Introductory Course
Uvodni kurs za afričku kugu svinja
Introduction to Avian Influenza: self-paced course
Peste Suína Africana, curso online para a África Austral - Português
Climate Change Adaptation in the Livestock Sector
Adaptación al cambio climático en el sector ganadero
Adaptation au changement climatique dans le secteur de l'élevage
African Swine Fever (ASF) Virtual Learning Hub for Asia and the Pacific
African Swine Fever Management in Smallholder Settings
Acaricide resistance community of practice page
Community of Practice for the Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity
Good Agriculture Practices and Prudent Antimicrobial Use to Reduce the Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Agrifood Sector (RENOFARM CoP)
Community of Practice on the Return on Investment (ROI) for One Health and One Health Investment Planning
ISVEE 2022 Video Collection
My profile page
Where to find the CoP
Registration process
One Health Knowledge Nexus background
Creating a VLC account
What we do
How we work
Course modalities
Cours d’introduction à la peste porcine africaine
Growing your Business Through Preventive Livestock Healthcare
Preventive Livestock Healthcare
Mentors for Kaduna State
Growing your business through preventive livestock healthcare Uganda
Site policy
17th World Rabies Day Celebrations, 2023
FAO Virtual Learning Centers Site Policy
Activities organized by the Communities of Practice
Community of Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Innovators
How to create a VLC account
How to create your biography
How to join the discussion
Where to find the other CoP members
How to manage the email notifications
How to manage the email notifications
Open Courses
Peste des Petits Ruminants Monitoring and Assessment Tool (PMAT)
Asia-Pacific Epidemiology Network for Training, utilizing the Veterinary workforce, and Sharing evidence for Trust (ENTRVST) Virtual Hub
17th World Rabies Day Celebrations, 2023