Community of Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Innovators

Welcome to the Community of Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Innovators (AMRLab-CoP)!
This is an inclusive, international, and multi-stakeholder community which brings together committed and passionate laboratory experts and experts-to-be, researchers and overall actors involved in the detection and characterization of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and the generation of AMR data for guiding therapeutic treatments, surveillance purposes, improving research outputs and creating innovative solutions for AMR laboratory diagnostics. It promotes a shared global vision, builds consensus, and contributes to the knowledge exchange for harmonization of methods and seeding innovative solutions.
Accessing the Community of Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Innovators (AMRLab-CoP)
If you are not registered with this community of practice, please click the link below to create an account with us. For support on how to create a new user account, please see our how-to video.
Create a new user account
Once you have created an account, please complete your profile before clicking the button below to join the community. For support on how to access the CoP, please see our how to video. Should you need any assistance with signing in or creating a profile, please email
Join the community
Last modified: Thursday, 18 April 2024, 2:46 PM